Leap app
Interactive mobile application with shared parent-child access and high-security level of transactions, aimed at teaching kids good money habits.

Leap app is created to help parents teach their kids how to earn, save and spend wisely. Children are able to set goals, get tasks and transfers, track their savings progress, and spend money according to their goals.

The main challenge was the integration of a bunch of third-party services and ensuring smooth data transfer and application’s operation.
Leap allows virtual bank card creation and is integrated with payment platforms and verification services to provide a high-security level for financial transactions and flexibility for users to apply desirable payment methods.
Additional features
Keeping sensitive data safe, we added Touch/Face ID verification to speed up the user journey and make biometric access to the app easу and modern.
Status changes and new transfers will be instantly tracked with Firebase push notifications over the app.

Admin dashboard
We also developed a practical and user-friendly dashboard for easily managing user accounts.
This web-only tool helps to edit user account details, manage statuses, delete users, transfer funds to chosen accounts and set custom conditions for referred users (e.g., giving additional trial months).
As a result, we created a flexible mobile app streamlining accounts and finance management, helping parents to teach children healthy habits for achieving financial goals.
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