LMS development company

Whether you're aiming to enhance e-learning services or make corporate training within your organization more effective, Brights is here to support you and amplify your educational impact. By crafting intuitive and functional learning management systems, we empower educators to inspire learning journeys and provide learners with all the tools they need to thrive.

Brights expertise in numbers

We excel at LMS development to expand your educational impact

10+ EdTech projects
100+ talents aboard
13+ years in software development

We provide LMS development services for

How we can drive your LMS journey

  • 01

    End-to-end custom LMS development

    The Brights team handles every step of the way. From the discovery phase, prototyping, and MVP development to user acceptance testing and post-release support, we deliver a custom LMS solution tailored to your business and educational objectives.

    Perfect for: Organizations with unique needs that off-the-shelf solutions can't meet.

  • 02

    Legacy LMS upgrade & customization

    We reinvent legacy systems by adding new features, simplifying the UX, updating the technology stack, and removing excessive functionality. As a result, you get a dynamic, intuitive, and high-performing LMS that turns education into an enjoyable experience.

    Perfect for: Organizations with an existing learning management system that requires enhancements.

  • 03

    LMS data migration
    Brights ensures accurate and secure transfer of all your user data, course materials, progress tracking, and other relevant information without data loss. Once the transition is complete, you can continue where you left off.

    Perfect for: Organizations transitioning from one LMS platform to another or moving from on-premise servers to a cloud-based environment.

  • 04

    Continuous LMS support

    Development journeys rarely end with the launch. Our LMS development company is here to provide technical assistance, content management, troubleshooting, updates, and maintenance, ensuring your LMS remains functional, effective, and user-friendly.

    Perfect for: Organizations that need to maintain LMS performance post-deployment.

Features we can implement into your LMS

  • Course & content management

    Supports adding, editing, and deleting courses, controlling access and managing files in various formats, and more

  • User management

    Includes managing user profiles, roles, and access rights with role-based control, bulk import, and single sign-on

  • Assessment tools

    Supports creating and managing tests and quizzes with multiple-choice options, interactive assessments, and automatic grading

  • Analytics

    Tracking and reporting

    Provides monitoring of user progress and performance with customizable reports on engagement and course completion rates

  • Gamification

    Incorporates game-like elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and levels to increase engagement

  • Social & collaboration tools

    Facilitates learning through discussion forums, shared workspaces, real-time chat, and collaborative document editing

  • M-learning

    Ensures seamless learning on any device and provides users with an engaging educational experience anytime, anywhere

  • E-commerce functionality

    Enables the sale of courses and subscriptions with payment gateway integration, shopping cart, and subscription management

  • Security

    Includes password strength checks, multifactor authentication, IP blocking, and data encryption for enhanced protection

Advanced features for your LMS

  1. AI personalized learning
    With AI functionality, you can customize content to each student's abilities and learning styles. It helps identify knowledge gaps, create personalized study schedules, and engage students with interactive activities.

  2. Virtual and augmented reality

    By integrating VR and AR, you can provide immersive, 3D learning environments that bring complex concepts to life. As a result, you make education more engaging and impactful for students.

  3. Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)

    Virtual tutor functionality empowers you to provide personalized guidance, offer instant feedback and support, and adapt the learning process to each student's learning pace.

  4. AI chatbots

    By adopting AI chatbots, you can provide 24/7 virtual assistance to students, whether it’s answering their questions or offering personalized study tips and reminders.

  5. Routine task automation

    This aspect of LMS development allows educators to relieve themselves from the tedious chores of grading, record-keeping, and scheduling. As a result, they can reclaim their valuable time and focus on teaching.

Integrations to enhance your LMS

  • 01

    CRM integration

    To synchronize customer data and enhance customer relationship management

  • 02

    HRMS integration

    To align training with HR processes like onboarding and performance management

  • 03

    Payment gateways

    To process payments for courses and subscriptions with secure solutions

  • 04

    Analytics tools

    To gain deeper insights into learning patterns and outcomes

  • 05

    Collaboration platforms

    To enhance communication and teamwork among users

  • 06

    Communication systems

    To ensure effective communication and marketing to learners

  • 07

    Social media integration

    To leverage social media in order to boost learning engagement and marketing

  • 08

    Video conferencing tools

    To host live training sessions and webinars effortlessly

  • 09

    Cloud storage services

    To facilitate the storage and sharing of learning materials

Or integration of your choice

What makes Brights your ideal partner?

Strategic thinkers

Strategic thinkers

Our custom LMS software development company doesn't just write code; we are strategic thinkers with a wealth of experience in building, launching, and supporting businesses.

Design lovers

Design lovers

We care about the details. Our team brings years of experience in crafting high-fidelity interfaces that not only function seamlessly but also captivate users with their aesthetic appeal.

Agile movers

Agile movers

Projects need to be open and adaptive to change. Brights’ agile approach means we can pivot, adapt, and navigate through the ups and downs of your project seamlessly.

Long-term partners

Long-term partners

Building lasting relationships is at the core of what we do. By understanding your business and LMS development needs on a deeper level, we're committed to being in it for the long run, supporting you as you grow and evolve.

Our LMS software development process

  • Initial engagement Together, we explore your business concept and craft a tailored software development strategy. Our transparent approach ensures you know what to expect, with insights into our methods and work style.
  • Discovery Phase Our analysts and designers refine ideas, analyze requirements, and structure them into specifications. This helps save resources and focus on essential features for MVP. We also create low-fidelity prototypes for software feasibility and early feedback.
  • Project Setup This stage is aimed to plan the product roadmap, establish project scope, milestones, and timelines. We select technologies and create a backlog for initial sprints. A kick-off meeting introduces the software development team and project essentials to stakeholders.
  • Design Our UI/UX designers craft a detailed prototype encompassing essential features and user flows. Beginning with key screens, you'll experience the initial UI elements and provide feedback. Upon approval, we expand the design to all screens, delivering a comprehensive visual solution.
  • Development Following Feature Driven Development, we prioritize easy management, integration, and scalability. Our developers embrace microservices on scalable cloud infrastructure, adhering to the best principles of startup development.
  • Quality Assurance Testing and development go hand in hand. We prioritize continuous quality assurance, testing software performance, behavior, and functional health. Our manual and automated testing process ensures swift and seamless delivery of quality functionality to end users.
  • Product Release When a product is about to launch, we create a release plan, review functionalities, clean up databases, set up analytics, connect production endpoints, and enhance content. Our goal is a smooth user experience, with our team ready to address any surprises promptly.
  • Maintenance and support Beyond delivering full-fledged products, we offer ongoing maintenance, helping your business grow. Whether for new features or software support, we take care of upgrades, monitoring, backups, and tech advisory.

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